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Xiaomi Mi 9 receives update for DC Dimming (beta)

We anticipated it a few days ago and it became reality today. Let's talk about the update that brings DC dimming technology to the latest flagship of the Chinese giant, the Xiaomi Mi 9.

The smartphone, despite being full of features and with a hardware that rivals devices for sale at twice the price, had a small "problem" regarding the display of the display in low light conditions. It now seems solved thanks to the last update.

Xiaomi Mi 9 receives update for DC Dimming (beta)

Xiaomi Mi 9 DC Dimming

Let's start by specifying that the update has only reached Chinese devices and in the beta version of the ROM. That being said, the changes we have been able to see online are quite substantial.

In several video in fact we can see the difference in the display display with the new technology deactivated and then activated. When the DC dimming is activated, lines appear on the screen, while when activated the display looks much more "clean".

We specify that these "lines" are only visible in video or in photos, this does not mean however that there are no negative aspects even in normal use. In fact, the eye is able to perceive the low frequency of the screen and consequently fatigues much faster. We always talk about use in the dark or in low light, this problem is almost non-existent during the day and with plenty of light.

For those who are not aware of the meaning of the term DC dimming, we quickly explain that this is a technology that serves to adjust the brightness directly from the amount of electric current sent to the display, so less current means less brightness.

Xiaomi Mi 9

We end by reminding you that DC dimming technology is already available on a couple of Xiaomi devices, in particular on the Black Shark Helo and the last Black Shark 2 presented last week.

What do you think of this technology? Are you Xiaomi Mi 9 owners waiting for the update? Let us know in the comments section below!

Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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5 years ago

Les écrans OLED utilisant le PWM to reduce the luminosity sont déclencheurs de migraines. Personellement je ne peux pas les utilisateurs plus de 10 minutes consécutives sauf s'il the brightness est à 100%. Mais j'accorde que je suis très sensible. Cependant les gens qui sont moins sensible peuvent effectivement souffrir de fatigue oculaire et de maux de tête. C'est un vrai problème qui est enfin pris au sérieux et par des entreprises chinoises. Google, Samsung and Apple n'ont plus qu'à s'aligner!