Huami runs with the presentation and the launch of new products, in the true sense of the word: first of all because in recent times it has launched several products including theHealth Watch, Bip Lite and the Verge Lite and because it is the second time he moves hand in hand with the racing theme. Remember the strategic collaboration with McLaren? Six months later Huami does something similar, but this time it is not a partnership, but a real smartwatch: Huami Amazfit GTR. This new product has been announced just recently and will come presented in Beijing in a specific week, the 16th July.
Huami Amazfit GTR: when smartwatches and races go hand in hand
In the most careful eyes, the material in the center of the poster will not have escaped. It is not put there by chance: it is about titanium and represents the distinctive feature of the new product about to leave home Huami. In fact the smartwatch that is about to see the light has a particular body made of titanium, which would make it particularly resistant as well as decidedly lighter than traditional watches.
As for the form we can see that it takes up that of the Verge and therefore it is round, unlike Beep that has a square shape. Unlike the Verge though Huami Amazfit GTR will two buttons protruding on the right side. For the moment, we don't know anything else about design, since the poster only brings us the "silhouette".
Last but perhaps most important feature of the design is the battery life. Personally, I didn't think they would announce it before the release, but so it was: the company ensures that the duration will be 24 days. Not bad right? As far as the price is concerned, nothing is known yet but we can think about: the titanium smartwatches, at least in China, are around the 7000 yuan (at current exchange rates around 900 €). Don't worry, it's just a number and does not reflect reality, indeed, we expect that the prices of the new smartwatch will be decidedly lower and in any case in line with all the products of the brand Huami.
It's not over though: according to the calculations this is the fifth smartwatch that Huami presents and according to ours sources will present 10 in all in the 2019. They are waiting for us still 5 wearable devices! Who knows what awaits us.
The poster doesn't make me think of titanium but rather a quartz watch….
In the article we talk about the titanium body, the outside part. The quartz watches you are referring to are all clocks with hands and are so called for their mechanism, not for the material of the shell: in fact, the oscillations of a quartz crystal inside classic watches allow "the passage of time ".